It can take one toxic relationship to lure someone into the sex trade.
One Relationship
Throughout our clients’ stories, there is a common theme: hardship accompanied by a lack of positive, loving relationships—and then—the turning point into sexual exploitation, involving one or more toxic, abusive relationships.
The sex trade is violent.
Over 80% of women in the sex trade report having been subjected to physical violence, sexual assault, and other forms of violence.
85–95% of women involved in the sex trade report being under the control of a pimp or a trafficker at some point.
Who are the traffickers?
There are many different types of traffickers, also known as “abusers” or “pimps.”
Boyfriend or Romeo Pimp: Uses a romantic relationship to manipulate or coerce their victim to trade sex for money
Guerilla Pimp: Uses violence from the outset to condition their victim to “obey”
Peer: A “friend” shows the victim the “rules of the game” and teaches them how to trade sex
Parent or Family: A parent or family member, possibly with ties to a cult or pedophilia ring, trafficks the child
Gang: To be part of the gang, the victim must trade sex to contribute to the financial status of the gang
Organized Crime: Recruits potential “employees” for work, then forces them to trade sex, often withholding personal documents like birth certificates and passports