We can’t do this alone.
REST exists today because of generous supporters like you. Your gifts help us continue to grow and expand our services to respond to the hundreds of sexually trafficked individuals reaching out to REST for help each year.
Host a fundraiser
REST would love to partner with you by putting tools in your hands to host your own fundraiser benefiting REST. Past supporter-hosted fundraisers include dinner parties, wine tastings, office support campaigns, benefit concerts, Facebook fundraisers—and more!
Become a Pathmaker
REST Pathmakers are monthly donors committed to supporting REST long-term. Monthly contribution make tangible differences in the lives of survivors every day.
Attend a rest event
Throughout the year, we put on several fundraising, educational, and prayer events—and you’re invited! Check our calendar for a full view of what’s going on at REST.
Donate Goods
You can help REST meet our clients' physical needs — such as clothes, food and hygiene items through your financial gifts or donated goods. You can donate items or gift cards individually, or rally a group to hold a donation drive.
Corporate Giving
Corporate giving is an excellent way for companies and other organizations to support the mission of REST, providing critical services in our community for local victims and survivors of sexual exploitation.
Donate cryptocurrency
Now it’s even easier to donate to REST to help offer pathways to freedom, safety, and hope for victims and survivors of sex trafficking and the sex trade by donating cryptocurrency.
Planned Giving
You can support REST in a variety of ways with a gift that makes an impact now—or a gift in the future. Explore the opportunities to give and join REST in declaring now, and in the future, that everyone deserves to be loved.
Facebook Fundraiser
Facebook fundraisers engage your online community and invite them to support REST. All it requires is a Facebook account, friends, and a few minutes to set up! REST has received over $25K through Facebook fundraisers