Our Partners

In the fight against sex trafficking, cooperation and community is a must. Each of our partners has championed our work and desires our continued growth—and we do the same for them.

City of Seattle Adult Survivor’s Collaborative (ASC)

The Adult Survivor’s Collaborative (ASC) was developed in January 2016 as a contracted effort of the City of Seattle enhance services specifically for adult survivors of sexual exploitation, a historically underserved group. We partner with three other organizations in the ASC, which includes YWCA Seattle, Organization for Prostitution Survivors (OPS), and Aurora Commons. Together we collaborate to provide a full continuum of care, fill gaps in services and provide advocacy for mutual clients.

The Coordinated Effort Against Sexual Exploitation (CEASE) is led and facilitated by the Mayor’s Office on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, and was founded to develop a coordinated response to the local problem of sex trafficking. REST has been a member of CEASE since 2014, which includes a diverse group of Seattle-based victim service providers, law enforcement, and Seattle City Attorney’s Office.

REST helped create and launch, and now supports, the National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance (NTSA), a nationwide community of service providers for survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation that work together to improve competency, increase credibility, and become a collective voice for change.

The Organization for Prostitution Survivors (OPS) provides accompaniment to survivors of prostitution, co-creating and sustaining efforts to heal from and end this practice of gender-based violence. OPS provides survivor-led services, case management, drop-in, and crisis response.

BEST strives to create a world in which no one ​is trafficked. They work to align and equip leaders to use the power of business to prevent human trafficking. REST partners with BEST to increase job training and employment opportunities for survivors of human trafficking through the Safe Jobs Collaborative.