With holistic, unconditional care—a lot is possible.

At REST, we use the phrase, “Do for, do with, cheer on.” That summarizes the approach we take to walking alongside survivors as they pursue their goals and higher levels of self-efficacy. 

In FY21, 152 clients achieved 453 self-identified goals. 188 of those goals were achieved through the support of a REST Community Advocate. 


Finding Rest

As survivors seek their paths to freedom, safety, and hope, they often start by experiencing “interruptions” (1–29 days out of the sex trade). Then, those interruptions last a little longer—and eventually, as they stabilize, they’re more empowered and equipped to maintain a life outside of the sex trade. 

Even amidst the ongoing pandemic, 54 clients reported a reduction in trading sex, and six achieved one full year out of the sex trade.
