Humbled by Survivor Strength and Resilience

For survivors of sex trafficking, the road to recovery can be extremely difficult. Many have experienced trauma, physical abuse, lack of basic needs, and loss of dignity. This leaves them feeling helpless, scared, and isolated. 

Some survivors find strength in turning their stories into tools to help other victims and survivors of sex trafficking. A survivor herself, Lisa came to REST on a mission to give back through her skills and her story.

“After I got away from my trafficker, I couldn’t stop spiraling out of control. I was afraid. I believed I would never return to normal life. I felt dirty in a way that is hard to wash off. What seems clear now, is that I experienced grace in ways that are impossible to explain.”

At REST we offer programs that focus on empowerment and self-care which help survivors to build a new sense of identity and purpose in their lives. 

“As a survivor of sex trafficking, I want to give to other survivors what by grace and mercy was given to me: patience, under-standing, support, and love. I connect survivors of the sex trade to our Safe Jobs program through a list of trauma-informed employers. The most rewarding part of my job is witnessing clients realize how much they have to offer the world."

Through REST services, survivors of sex trafficking are able to reclaim control over their lives and find hope for a better tomorrow. Since 2009 REST has provided critical care to survivors. Our commitment inspires volunteers, businesses, churches, and individuals to get involved.

“By providing comprehensive support, REST empowers survivors to heal from their past and build a brighter future. As a member of the board, I've seen firsthand the incredible impact the programs can have on the lives of those they serve. It's a humbling experience to witness the strength and resilience of survivors as they work towards building a brighter future.”

At the end of the day, it is important to remember that survivors of sex trafficking do not have to be defined by their experiences. They can and will find new paths to freedom, safety, and hope. With the right support, survivors have the potential to reclaim control over their lives and to create meaningful futures for themselves.