
Emergency Receiving Center

The REST Emergency Receiving Center (ERC) is home to two critical elements of our services: our Emergency Shelter and our 24/7 Hotline. 


The hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Skilled team members respond to calls or texts from individuals who are in need of assistance, or service providers and law enforcement who would like to make a referral. Through the hotline, we can provide emotional support and safety planning, help survivors connect to the services they need, screen for intake into the emergency shelter, and start the process for screening into the REST House.

 In our last fiscal year we received 1,301 calls and texts from 369 unique survivors.


Our low-barrier Emergency Receiving Center is a shelter with individual rooms for seven women to stay for up to 90 days. This is a place for women to rest, stabilize, and identify the next steps on their healing and recovery journey. We provide food and hygiene supplies, and assistance in accessing resources like medical care, mental health, and substance use services. Shelter guests also have access to Community Advocates and services offered through the Pathways Services Center, including Drop-in and the REST Academy.

  • In our last fiscal year, the REST Shelter provided 2,329 bed nights to 57 unique guests. 

  • On average, guests stayed 43 days, up from 35 days in FY20.

We know that with increased time in the shelter, the likelihood of transitioning out to safe and stable shelter increases, too.