The last two years have certainly been challenging—for the individuals we serve, for our staff, for us as an organization as a whole, and probably you, too. As we enjoy the Thanksgiving and holiday season, we invite you to join us in acknowledging that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, past and present. We honor with gratitude the land itself, and the Duwamish Tribe.
Resolve to End Homelessness With Us
At REST, we know that there is a massive overlap in sexually exploited individuals and homelessness. Data shows that 84% of survivors of sexual exploitation have endured homelessness. A local study by Deborah Boyer, Commercially Sexually Exploited Children in Seattle/King County 2019 Update, demonstrated that 46% of sexually exploited youth in our community were homeless at the time of the study—and 66% of them had faced homelessness.
10 Ways You Can Help End Sexual Exploitation
“What can I do?” We hear this question—in all of its nuances—a lot at REST—and we love this question.
When first learning about the problem of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation—that thousands of women, men, and children are being exploited right here in the United States every day, it can be paralyzing. It can feel hopeless. The problem can feel too big for any one person to make a difference.
But—as long as there are people who respond to hearing of pain and suffering with the desire (met with action) to make the world a better place—there is hope. As long as people are still asking the question, “What can I do?” or, “What can *I* do?”, we will respond with options.
What *is* sex trafficking?
The marriage of racism and misogyny in the sex trade
When we look at the demographics of the sex trade here in King County, we see an enormous disparity—one that reflects the commodification of Black women’s bodies. As we look to dismantle present-day systemic racism, we must understand its roots to be able to begin to unravel the centuries of legal oppression. This blog examines some of that history.